@ChrisMayLA6 This is one of the problems of modern democracy. Its legitimacy decreases year after year, and ultimately, it will become a show for public servants, for the benefit of public servants. Since their incomes are directly dependent upon taxing the productive classes, ultimately they are the only ones who will care.
The productive classes will either become unproductive, or they will evade taxes.
My hope is that ultimately, people will jist lose interest in the government
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@ChrisMayLA6 and at that point, distributed and decentralized private services will completely replace it.
At that point in time, the public servants and the political nobility will have to live on less, or become more draconian in order to secure the continued revenue from the tax milk cows.
Hmmm.... but in one sense that would be pretty much the system that the modern state was developed to shift society away from; if politics is cyclical then we might expect that to happen, in a sort of analytical way. However, what then remains is the reasons that the system was regarded as politically unacceptable in the first place, surely?
by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;
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