Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


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my students were increasingly driven by a notion of fairness.... democracy is premised on good information & education, both of which have become subject to the whims (in many cases ) of the powerful - the post war period was by no means perfect, but in many ways more constructive than now, I think

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@ChrisMayLA6 Ahh... so that brings us to the question of... "what is fairness"?

Good information and education are both problems in our times. It seems that the trend for both, is downwards in most of the world countries. I assume exceptions exist, but the question is... do the modern politicians even want a well educated population?

The fact that so few copy the leaders in PISA seems to me to support the theory that they do not in fact want an educated population.


Ha ha, just the easy questions please!

Fairness is almost impossible to pin down outside a personal moral reflection, I think, although (if I was to come over a bit Wittgenstein) there is likely a family of meanings which all show quite a lot of parallel and interconnected meaning.... so we might be able to say in general terms the sorts of things - such as reward for effort, rather than reward for luck (in life) and so on?

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;

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