Published by Art of Goulwen R


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Is understanding others easy for your MC?

It took only a couple of seconds for Esther to understand Lady D’Arcy


[llustrations: First page of the Chapter Two]

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Art of Goulwen R

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January can be a dull month (especially in the UK). What's your worst writing month, and why?

I don’t think I have a worst month, but I spend more time with family and resting during holidays (which is the goal of taking holidays after all)


When was the last time you wrote a character facing a difficult choice? Have they made the right decision?

It was a hard choice for both when Esther accepted to take Erie with her when coming back to Great Albion:

* For Erie, it was jumping into the unknown (even if the alternative — coming back to a reserve — was not really attractive)
* For Esther, having a leonine maid was breaking social rules.


[Illustration: Esther announces that she will go back to Great Albion]

by Art of Goulwen R ;

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