Published by Queer Like The Slur


Queer Like The Slur's Post

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@ai6yr @ghouston we're 300km from the nearest major city, so most of us still have boarded up windows.

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@coolandnormal @ghouston Oh man.

Long natural disaster post, overall positive

@ai6yr @ghouston it's also a very small place. We have two EMTs for the whole region, one journalist, one funeral person who deals with all death care, two cops.

When I say anarchy broke out, I mean it. After the storm the social order completely fell apart and so did the roles of individuals.

People took on the roles in front of them. I personally moonlighted as EMT twice, an ambulance once, a makeshift pet shelter, an emergency wildlife vet more times than I could possibly count, taxied around people I had never met while eating food given to me by strangers cooking on the street.

Pretty much all doors and gates were open. People removed stuff from damaged properties in informal volunteer treams. It was common to see a group of random people taking stuff out of someone else's house. It literally never occurred to me once this could be looting.

I cannot stress enough that pretty much everyone in town has access to a rifle. I didn't see one or hear about one being anywhere other than a in safe through the whole ordeal.

The town still isn't the same months later. The infrastructure is still damaged but the anarchy hasn't quite gone either. The old social order and roles haven't managed to re-establish the control they previously had.

by Queer Like The Slur ;


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