@mizblueprint Thanks for chiming in!
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I wish I could help more. Clients usually gag when they realize how much something will cost. 30 years ago I was on a county planning commission that implemented additional building standards for rural homes for access, egress, water storage, closed soffits, class A roofs, non-combustible siding, defensible space, etc. Local governments can implement more stringent standards. As an elected, I pushed for adoption of a Green Building Code for our City, years before the state code revision.
@mizblueprint Awesome that you were able to get that building code in place. It pains me, having only very recently gotten involved with some of this, HOW LONG it takes for things to happen in regulations and codes. (and how much the competing interest stymie any change)
by AI6YR Ben ;
Mentions: @ai6yr@m.ai6yr.org
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