At least there is hope for things to play out more favourably:
At least there is hope for things to play out more favourably:
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Ⓐ Dirk Ritter
Random note:
After weeks with a broken Web interface over here on our li'l server you can't imagine the joy it gives to be able to link back to your own stuff again. And it seems they've given the thing a very neat polishing now. So - yeah - just an updated version fixed the somewhat broken installation, thanks Eris, the wretched bitch who broke it! Praise Eris and put the blame on her! Dance! 🥳
While I'm at it...
That's the supposedly mainstream CSU over here, putting up essentially the same campaign ads revolving around immigrant pushbacks in 2025 that the clearly fascist NPD was running with in 2016, so if you still had hopes for Germany to hold - just scrap 'em, because we're falling fast already:
by Ⓐ Dirk Ritter ;
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