@Sempf I also realised I have a copy. unfortunately it only vaguely touches on material selection and construction (hardplate is only referenced twice in the whole book) and the rest is either light on detail or clearly outdated.
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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
@Sempf the main things I'd really like to learn more about are glass relockers (plus thermal links where relevant) and modern hardplate construction techniques. both of those are the most interesting parts of the vault door design to me. and I can't really find anything at all about these features in modern vaults. the closest I have is a brief description of additive construction of hardplate using alternating weld beads, from Dave McOmie's book.
@Sempf there's a bit about the metallurgy of hardness in Tobias LSS but the specifics are limited to describing safes from the 1800s. once 20th century safes are described it reverts back to vagueries such as "advances in metallurgic techniques" without actually describing them :(
by Graham Sutherland / Polynomial ;
Mentions: @Sempf@infosec.exchange
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