Looking back at the archive I downloaded from the #birdsite, I found some fun pictures. Those are from 2016, when I got a #Tektronix 576 curve tracer. It was designed to be #repaired! It even sported a roll of special soldering wire for the repairs. I love the notice "IT IS DESIRABLE THAT ONLY SILVER-BEARING SOLDER BE USED ON THE CERAMIC TERMINALS AND FOR THINNING THE IRON. ORDINARY TIN-LEAD SOLDER MAY BE USED BUT REPEATED USE WILL BREAK THE SOLDER TO CERAMIC BOND. SEE YOUR INSTRUCTION MANUAL"
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Davide Bucci
I mean, look at this amazing beast 😍
If you like curve tracers, I also have a #Textronix 577, that is also amazing and has a very interesting phosphor memory tube. I liked to grab pictures of the screen and annotate them digitally.
by Davide Bucci ;
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