Published by Kee Hinckley


Kee Hinckley's Post

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@nazgul This is awful. We all will need to start or enhance our own gardens. Muskism will be the end of the modern civilization.


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: j@fabrica:~/src; :t_blink:

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@nazgul Surely all my neighbors in Skagit will be unaffected, right? They’d never endanger the Tulip Festival!

@josephholsten Border Patrol doesn't give a damn about "criminals first" policies. They want big numbers, and farm workers are easy picking. (No pun intended)

When I was a kid, the local Apple orchards would come by junior high and sign kids up to work after school. And up north in Maine, the schools took two weeks off in the fall, so the kids could pick potatoes.

Maybe that's where we're headed again

by Kee Hinckley ;


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