Hmm, I wonder if the mystery of the house abandoned by a former JPL human and occupied by a bear will actually see resolution now, if it's in a burn area someone may find the gnawed remains in that location. 🤔 Off to overrlay that location vs. the burn scar. Either, they will find a pile of human bones the bear had been chewing on, OR, the eyesore that had been that house will have been razed by wildfire.
AI6YR Ben's Post
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Meanwhile, on Earth One
@ai6yr I read about that when you posted about it last year, very bizarre story.
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DOH! the Mystery Bear House is a block away from the wildfire damaged homes. It's probably be thoroughly smoked but not destroyed, at least based on the last FIRIS pass. (great for the neighbors... but no good for solving "did a bear eat the owner" mystery) #mysterybearhouse #wildfire
Story about the mysterious house that was abandoned by the former JPL scientist and left for the bears. His car is out front with flat tires, too, and the city "can't contact the owner". Yet, no know seems to wonder where he went, just complaining about the bear moving in 🤔
#SierraMadre #Bear #MysteryBearHouse
by AI6YR Ben ;
@ai6yr "Mystery Bear House" is a known gay bar frequently visited by... bears.
by Yuri Arabadji ;
Tags: #mysterybearhouse #Wildfire
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