Published by Timon 🛠


Timon 🛠's Post

@manawyrm @gsuberland searched around a bit, seems like some had trouble booting that kit on a (technically 8000Mhz rated) 9800X3D lol
Mentally perparing to need to underclock that kit, I guess "free upgrade" for when I get whatever is the last AM5 CPU that hopefully actually hits those speeds relliably.
Mainly did not want to repeat the mistake of my AM4 system and be stuck with really slow RAM in 4 years that bottlenecks an upgraded system.

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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

In response to this post

@timonsku @manawyrm DDR5 memory controllers and board layouts have been a major challenge. most of the memory vendors have started putting caveats in their marketing copy explaining that they can't guarantee that a kit will work at full speed on your board even if it's on the QVL, since it's down to a lottery on getting a CPU with a good IMC and a board with good tolerances.

board vendors have even started advertising their use of DIMM slots with stub elimination features in the pin design.

@gsuberland @manawyrm it worked out!

by Timon 🛠 ;

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