Published by Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Emeritus Prof Christopher May's Post

If passing the 1.5 degree above pre-industrial average temperature is a major landmark in the progression of climate change... then, 2024 was the year the world reached that point.

Not only have we failed to curtail human-driven climate change, we seem to have reached this totemic level faster that we had until recently predicted.

While parts of Los Angeles burn & the climate change deniers are given platforms in the media, the world is doing its best to rid itself of us!

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Alex P Roe

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@ChrisMayLA6 What few seem to appreciate is just how incredibly rapidly the change is happening! And it’s still accelerating. Stopping this is probably impossible now, we need to learn to live with it and, maybe, stop it from worsening (but I suspect it’s far too late for that).


too late for anything other than coping, I think

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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@ChrisMayLA6 No need for worry. The reason for the climate hysteria is that most people ignore the longer term trend.

Let me present you with this graph instead:


Ha ha, I refer you back to my previous remark about Keynes view of the long term....

by Emeritus Prof Christopher May ;


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