something i'm wondering about: when does fedi usually shower? :neofox_floof:
- in the morning (within a few hours of waking up, before leaving for work/school/outside. if you're nocturnal, pretend this says evening or night)
- in the evening/night (within a few hours of going to bed, usually after dinner. if you're nocturnal, pretend this says morning)
- during the day (neither of the above)
- a mix of times
- not at all (pls no)
("showering" includes bathing or any other method you use to clean your body)
the foxes they warned you about :therian:'s Post
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Graham Sutherland / Polynomial
@sam the answer to this question depends on whether "morning" and "evening" are relative to the sun's position in the sky or relative to my goblin-ass UTC+rand() waking hours.
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