samir, hibernating
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samir, hibernating's Information
samir, hibernating's Bio
Trying very hard to avoid computers, and failing miserably.
A 30-something British-born coconut Indian living in Zürich, Switzerland. I speak English, and enough Hochdeutsch to order a pizza.
Occasional, inadvertent arsehole. If observed, please call me out.
Admin and sole user of this self-hosted instance.
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samir, hibernating's Posts
samir, hibernating has 42 posts.
samir, hibernating
@GeePawHill Sounds like you need multiple beers. 🍻
@samir Yes. I have a plan. :)
by GeePawHill ;
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samir, hibernating
@sarajw Yeah, I completely agree with you.
I will read your article and, no doubt, edit some of mine based on what I learn.
After that, would you be up for giving me some feedback on it before I publish?
No pressure, it’s not important, it’s just scratching a personal itch.
@samir mine is long and rambling and has several tangents be warned! As such I'm unlikely to be able to help you polish yours much - but I am happy to read it either way, just don't wait on me!
by Sara Joy :happy_pepper: ;
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samir, hibernating
@sarajw Shit, I missed this one, and now I’m skimming it and it might be the exact opposite article that I have written. 😛
Thanks for the pointer, I’m sure I’m gonna enjoy reading it!
@samir both views are good!
Noooo if you're arguing that people are fine with command lines actually, that's not anti my argument - which is that apple has pushed very very hard on the pointing device side of things.
That doesn't change what people are willing and able to do when given the option.
by Sara Joy :happy_pepper: ;
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samir, hibernating
Welp, I wrote the first draft and it’s… more pie-in-the-sky, handwavy, arsehole-in-the-ivory-tower than I anticipated.
I will probably still publish it and hope people can look past that and take some useful things from it.
I’ll be home tomorrow. Editing on Sunday, publishing on Monday. I think.
@samir lol, that's how I felt about my article about Doug Englebert, the mouse thing and Apple - publish it anyway :)
by Sara Joy :happy_pepper: ;
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samir, hibernating
@SecurityWriter Well, if you’re going to be ill, do it in style. Sounds like you’re making the most out of it, at least!
Hope you feel much better very soon.
@samir thank you!
by Security Writer :verified: :donor: ;
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samir, hibernating
For my birthday, I got a lot of snow. ☃️
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samir, hibernating
re: what
@dysfun I’ll also brew your matcha. And drink your matcha.
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samir, hibernating
@dysfun I’ll club your matcha
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samir, hibernating
@kirancodes I want to see this, but I’m also sad that Singaporeans will do anything to avoid seeing a brown person.
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samir, hibernating
@kirancodes Oh, they actually delivered to customers too? This seems to be staff-only; customers do not interact with it. (Except me, and I got some odd looks.)
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samir, hibernating
@scammo I will try tomorrow. Today I just let it get used to my scent.
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samir, hibernating
@kirancodes Whoa, really?
This is in the Sunstar hotel in Grindelwald. It’s a Swiss hotel chain so I bet they’re in all of them.
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samir, hibernating
The robot carries dirty dishes to the kitchen, much slower and more clumsily than a human. (And it requires a human to load it up, of course.)
Totally useless and very cute. I feel some kinship with it.
For my birthday, I got a lot of snow. ☃️
by samir, hibernating ;
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samir, hibernating
Met a robot this morning at breakfast.
It has cat ears.
The robot carries dirty dishes to the kitchen, much slower and more clumsily than a human. (And it requires a human to load it up, of course.)
Totally useless and very cute. I feel some kinship with it.
by samir, hibernating ;
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samir, hibernating
@theresnotime This is why I can get away with not eating breakfast. I have soup.
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samir, hibernating
@johntimaeus I have distinct memories of iOS being quite good at autocorrect. It started to drop in quality around 5 years ago.
I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the quality of a lot of Apple’s software has followed a similar trend.
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samir, hibernating
Love this new world, where I have to choose between necessary security patches and functional autocorrect.
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Sara Joy :happy_pepper:
On the twelfth day of Devmas, my mutual sent to me:
Twelve coders coding,
Eleven pipelines running,
Ten loading shimmers,
Nine styles cascading,
Eight breaking changes,
Seven daily stand ups,
Six tests are flakey,
Five we-eb riiings!
Four callbacks passed,
Three code pens,
Two purple <div>s,
And a <body> in a DOM tree.
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lcamtuf :verified: :verified: :verified:
samir, hibernating Boosted
But the most convenient feature of C is line numbering:
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samir, hibernating
@brooke Correct, ever since Travis popularised charging extra for meaningful local caching (and NPM being so bad at it that it was often faster to download from scratch every time anyway).
CircleCI and GitHub Actions just copied Travis CI.
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