@bri_seven I've been thinking so many times about making a program that parses that horrific oneliner. I haven't done much coding ever (I promise it's the truth I would never lie la la la la 🙉), but almost all the stuff I've ever made had been centered on munching XML or JSON data and restructuring it into useful output. so I think most of the work would actually be the part where I set up the (Scheme) environment where my tools work. glueing them together to resequence that JSON file into something more easily usable is the quick part. (I even have a name for it, tektes.scm, since it's thawing mammoths. :p)
but then I need a useful way to access all those posts via a static website, one that doesn't use more RAM than that it works on mobile, and that's much less my thing. so I never started working on this.
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