Yaknow, if someone's Windows installation gets all screwed up to the point where only a complete reformat and reinstall makes sense, you know what they do?
They go and buy a new computer.
I know this because once upon a time I was the guy that sold them one.
I am begging the nerds to understand that if windows gets irreparably fouled up and the person using it* can't afford a new computer, they will continue using the current one in its fouled-up state, having a Bad Time, and I know this because once upon a time I was the guy who came round to unfoul it.
Please for the love of god write software for use by the actual real people who really exist in the world, not some idealised fantasy where everyone put all their skill points into Computer.
* (if you use the word "user" to refer to people, imagine me hitting you with a rolled-up newspaper)
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