For years I have thought the third-party 360 controller receiver that I bought on Amazon was just junk. Then I found out it works flawlessly on Linux.
JUST TODAY I found out you can manually install the driver on Windows. Not the 10.x driver from this year, but the 2.x driver from 2009.
- Open "Device Manager" (if it still exists at the time of reading)
- The "Other devices" section should be auto-expanded
- Right click "Unknown device" if you don't see anything else corresponding to your adapter.
- Select "Update driver"
- DO NOT SELECT "Search automatically for drivers". That will fail every time
- Select "Browse my computer for drivers" and then "Let me pick from a list of available drivers" and then under "Xbox 360 Peripherals" select the "Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows Version: [8/13/2009]"
Search Keyword: "X-360 PC Wireless Gaming Receiver"
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