Ham radio emergency frequencies to monitor:
147.885 -127.3 Thousand Oaks(Usually goes offline in emergencies, but monitor the output-they REALLY need to fix that)
146.850 -94.8 Thousand Oaks(Grissom) - alternate, usually doesn't go offline but might this time
145.460 -127.3 Moorpark
145.200 -127.3 Countywide (tends to go offline in emergencies, as well... also needs to be fixed)
146.880 -127.3 Red Mountain (Countywide).
145.510 Simi Simplex
146.445 Thousand Oaks Simplex
146.5350 Moorpark Simplex
146.520 National Calling
146.550 National Simplex
146.580 Adventure freq
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